As the summer holidays approach, lots of us will either be preparing for a long awaited holiday away from home, or battening down the hatches for a long summer at home instead. Either option has it’s merits, but we wanted to talk today to those of you who feel a holiday with kids is more hassle than it’s worth. We want to tell you that yes, a holiday with kids can be work- but it is totally worth it! Want to know more? Here are three reasons to take your kids on holiday. Let us know if you have any more!
Make some memories
Throughout the course of a busy year, us parents seem to work and work and work. For some, the guilt at not spending as much quality time with the kids as we would like to can knock us hard. We all have commitments and deadlines and bill to pay. That is one thing in life that will never change. But beyond that, what are we working for? How about the smile on your child’s face as they roll down a hill on a sunny day? The squeals of excitement when you strap them into the car on a sunny day and head of for an adventure? The contended smiles as they settle into the crook of your arm at the end of a busy day?
And who doesn’t love to look back at photos and remember special days, happy times and wonderful celebrations? That’s what holidays are about, especially when you’re little. Memories can never be deleted or mislaid. Happy memories of spending time paddling on the beach, or strolling along the winding streets of a small Italian town are yours forever. And the memories made on holiday are likely to be even happier if you follow these simple tips too:
- Leave the phone/ ipad/ laptop at home. Yes, ok take it on holiday if you must- but be present in the day with your children while you’re on holiday. Take the time to re-learn what it is that you really love about spending time with them. Be a parent only- not a parent who works, or a parent who needs to check in on Facebook. Believe us, this is the way to make memories that will last.
- Let the kids lead the way. So you think that building sandcastles for three hours a day is boring? Try it. Make the most of that time with your little one while they’re little. You are their world, and being beside them as they build will mean the world.
- Leave stresses and strains behind. Don’t take them on holiday. Abandon your worries for a week or two and focus on the here and now. You’re guaranteed to enjoy it more.
Show them the world
It’s so easy to tell kids about the things they haven’t seen. We have TV, films, the internet and photos that can teach them all about the wonders of the world… but it’s nothing like experiencing the real thing first hand. Carry this with you:
Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I will learn.
Benjamin Franklin
It cannot be more true. Your child has so much to learn from the world around them- as do you. Involve them in as many experiences as you can, to enrich their lives, build on their knowledge and give them the confidence to get out there and do! From languages to new cuisines, your child is a little sponge ready to soak up everything they come across- so make it worth it!
Break from the routine
One of the best things about taking kids on holiday is that they pretty much adapt to any new situation relatively well. So taking them on holiday can mean that the routine you so carefully crafted at home can just up sticks and come with you too. But being on holiday can also be a much appreciated break from the routine too. No school run, no after school clubs, no work meetings. Time to break from the routine and have fun!
Here are some top tips for making a broken routine work on holiday:
- Be flexible- nap time is when baby is tired, not when you usually put them to bed at home.
- Remember that kids are very portable and you can take their routine on holiday very easily!
- Choose a family friendly destination that will cater to your family.
- Revel in no chores- go all inclusive!
What are your top three reasons for taking the kids on holiday?
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