
Tag: travelling with babies and children

  • Taking Grandparents on Holiday: Yes or No?

    Taking Grandparents on Holiday: Yes or No?

    We’ve read many articles and posts lately celebrating the benefits of grandparents providing childcare for families. Studies are suggesting that taking on the responsibly of caring for grandchildren whilst parents go out to work is great for improving nana’s mental agility and keeping dementia at bay. And, of course, there are benefits for the kids…

  • How to Protect Kids from the Sun

    How to Protect Kids from the Sun

    If the recent heat wave is anything to go by, this summer is going to be a hot one! Just ignore the rain right now, we have been promised sunshine this year! And so with the expected increase in temperatures and the fact that so many of us will be spending more time outdoors, we…

  • Five Travel Tips For When You’re on the Move

    Five Travel Tips For When You’re on the Move

    Having already written travel tips for toddlers, travel tips for newborns, what to pack when you go away with kids, how to help the kids sleep while you’re away, what to expect when jet lag strikes… we thought it was time to mix it up a little. This time we’re looking at how to cope…

  • Ten Ways to Cope with Kids on Road Trips

    Ten Ways to Cope with Kids on Road Trips

    Long, hot, boring road trips can be a nightmare with kids in tow. Being trapped in one place and strapped into a car seat with little to do means that many children become bored and when they are bored, they are unhappy. Make journeys with your children run more smoothly with these helpful baby travel…

  • Five Tips for Travelling with Kids this Summer

    Five Tips for Travelling with Kids this Summer

    Regular readers of this blog will know that we are huge advocates for travelling with kids. Our motto? Just get out there and see the world. Show the kids too. Travelling broadens the mind and the spirit and opens up so many opportunities for the family, so it only makes sense to pack the bags…

  • Pack the essentials for sun safety this summer

    Pack the essentials for sun safety this summer

    As we all start to get ready for the summer holidays (HOORAY!) some us might be making a start on shopping for the essentials. If this is you- well done! You are very organised and very sensible. If this ins’t you, fear not. There’s plenty of time, as long as you pack the essentials for…

  • Three reasons to take your kids on holiday

    Three reasons to take your kids on holiday

    As the summer holidays approach, lots of us will either be preparing for a long awaited holiday away from home, or battening down the hatches for a long summer at home instead. Either option has it’s merits, but we wanted to talk today to those of you who feel a holiday with kids is more…

  • Kids and jet lag

    Kids and jet lag

    When you go away with the kids you open up their world that little bit more. It’s fantastic to read about far away places in books and to watch documentaries about little hideaways around the globe- but actually getting out there and experiencing it is another thing altogether. We’re huge advocates of travelling  with kids and…

  • Child Friendly Vacations: What To Look for in a Family Break

    Child Friendly Vacations: What To Look for in a Family Break

    Life is so much easier all round when your vacation destination is child-friendly. So, what makes a child-friendly vacation and why do families like to go there? Here’s a very quick guide to child-friendly vacations. We hope it helps and don’t forget to pack SnoozeShade!

  • Top travel hacks for busy parents

    Top travel hacks for busy parents

    Here are our top travel hacks for travelling with kids; hopefully they’ll help your holiday with baby run a little more smoothly. Let’s face facts; travelling with children is not for the faint-hearted. However, it’s one of the most rewarding and amazing experiences that a family can have. Exposing our kids to new cultures, customs…