
Tag: sun safety

  • Three Things You Need to Know About Babies and Sun Care

    Three Things You Need to Know About Babies and Sun Care

    So summer seems to be really on the horizon now- hoorah! And this can mean only one thing. You need to get prepared. You need to be informed. You need to be ready to protect your little ones. Babies rely on you to keep them safe and when the sun is shining, there are practical…

  • How do I protect my baby safely from the sun in the pram?

    How do I protect my baby safely from the sun in the pram?

    One of the most common questions we get asked is ‘How do I protect my baby safely from the sun in the pram?” due to a number of viral scare stories that circulate about the apparent dangers of draping a blanket over baby’s pram, which is why we felt it important to remind people of the…

  • Pack the essentials for sun safety this summer

    Pack the essentials for sun safety this summer

    As we all start to get ready for the summer holidays (HOORAY!) some us might be making a start on shopping for the essentials. If this is you- well done! You are very organised and very sensible. If this ins’t you, fear not. There’s plenty of time, as long as you pack the essentials for…