
Tag: family

  • Protecting Dad’s Emotional Wellbeing

    Protecting Dad’s Emotional Wellbeing

    With Father’s Day approaching this weekend, the team here at Snooze HQ have decided its time we started talking a little more about the role of dads, and how their mental health needs a little air time too. So much great work has been done (and more still needs to be done) to raise awareness…

  • Five Top Sun Protection Must Haves

    Five Top Sun Protection Must Haves

    We cannot stress this enough. Sun protection for the whole family is so very, very, VERY important. Just one incidence of sun burn during childhood can increase the risk of developing skin cancer later in life, and the effects of sun stroke in children and be really dangerous too. It just isn’t worth the risk!…

  • Tips for Your First Family Vacation Abroad

    Tips for Your First Family Vacation Abroad

    We love travelling with children and there are so many positives, so we thought we’d offer a few tips and tricks on how to make the most of a family vacation. Here is our quick guide on tips for your first family vacation abroad.

  • Introducing a New Baby to Siblings

    Introducing a New Baby to Siblings

    Bringing a new baby into the family is such a special time, and especially when there are toddlers and older children in the mix. More often than not though, we parents tend to over think such situations, and there are often threads in parenting forums asking for advice and help on how to ease the…

  • Taking Grandparents on Holiday: Yes or No?

    Taking Grandparents on Holiday: Yes or No?

    We’ve read many articles and posts lately celebrating the benefits of grandparents providing childcare for families. Studies are suggesting that taking on the responsibly of caring for grandchildren whilst parents go out to work is great for improving nana’s mental agility and keeping dementia at bay. And, of course, there are benefits for the kids…

  • Five Tips for Travelling with Kids this Summer

    Five Tips for Travelling with Kids this Summer

    Regular readers of this blog will know that we are huge advocates for travelling with kids. Our motto? Just get out there and see the world. Show the kids too. Travelling broadens the mind and the spirit and opens up so many opportunities for the family, so it only makes sense to pack the bags…