Hoorah for the warmer weather! Parents everywhere rejoice as we’re now pretty much guaranteed a decent day outside in the garden, at the park or even at the beach if we’re lucky. Life always seems that much easier when the sun is shining, more so when you have a toddler that loves to be on the go. Plus, plenty of fresh air is essential for a good night’s sleep so the arrival of summer is a wi all round, don’t you think? That said, the warm and sunny weather means you need to be extra vigilant when it comes to you toddler and sun care because the last thing you want is sunburn, sunstroke or dehydration. Read on to find out our top three sun care tips for toddlers…
Have a summer bag
Inside your summer bag, you need to make sure you have everything you need for sun safety, ready to go. Keep it by the door, so that you can grab it on your way out because lets face it- the British summer weather can be less than predictable. It might start out cloudy and cold, but by the time you get to the park it could be blazing hot. So if you have your summer prep bag ready to go, you won’t get caught out. That said, don’t forget to apply sun screen at least half an hour before you leave the house, whether its cloudy or not. Perhaps buy two bottles (most places will do two for one deals etc) and have one to keep in the house and one for your bag.
So what should go inside your summer bag?
- Sun screen. Obviously.
- SnoozeShade
- Hat
- Sunglasses
- Light, long sleeved top and trousers
- Hand fan
- Bottle of water
- Another bottle of water
- Snacks
- Nappies and wipes
- Paracetamol
Those are the essentials. The rest is up to you. Preparation is key.
Have a summer routine
A good day time routine always helps when you have toddlers, especially the type who like to constantly question what is happening next, and what is happening after that, and after that and after that… You get the idea. Toddlers like routine, and as a parent it’s quite handy to know what you’re doing too. Always start the day with a plan!
A summer routine is simple. It means avoiding the sun when it’s at its hottest. There’s nothing stopping you from adopting a more Mediterranean way of life with afternoon siestas! The sun is hottest around midday until about 3pm, so make this nap time if you can, and stay indoors. Plan your activities and outings around this during the hotter summer months, and if you can’t then make sure you have your SnoozeShade (should be in your summer bag anyway!) handy so you can create a shady environment wherever you are.
Toddlers are notorious for taking off their hats and wriggling away from you when its time to reapply sun screen, so if you avoid the sun as much as possible, this helps to reduce the stress levels too!
Be sun screen savvy
As already mentioned, toddlers can be feisty little things and sometimes applying sun screen can be a mammoth task in itself. If this is the case for you, you might want to take some of these tips on board:
- Use a timer app to set reminders for sun screen re-application. Time can run away with you when you’re chasing after toddlers so this is a handy one!
- Use spray sunscreen for toddlers that are much faster than you.
- Don’t forget tips of ears and backs of necks.
- Let your toddler help. Maybe he can apply YOUR sun screen? A little reminder not to forget that you need protection too.
- Don’t forget lip salve too. Sore, burnt lips are NO fun.
- Buy in bulk. You’re going to need a lot, so you may as well buy it all now and eliminate the risk of running out.
What are you top sun care tips for toddlers?
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